Exclude an Entire Metric Group From Publishing

You may want to publish the Summary Metric report for a select group of metrics, for example, the GAO metrics. A quick way to set publish for the other metrics in the group instead of individually is by using the right-click menu.

To exclude an entire metric group from publishing, complete the following step:

  1. On the Metrics tab, right-click on the library folder in the Library Pane and click Settings.
  2. Check whether the Publish Metric option has a blue checkmark next to it.
    • If it does, click it to deselect it so that none of the metrics in the group will be included in the published report/export.
    • If it doesn't, it means that none or some of the metrics are selected but the entire group is not. To make sure that all metrics are deselected, click Publish Metric to select it, and then right-click again, and click Settings > Publish Metric to deselect it.